Miniatures Display Cabinet

Complete Miniatures Display Cabinet List (Cheap to Beautiful)

Sometimes you have such a large collection of models that you find yourself in need of a miniatures display cabinet. Maybe, instead, you just like painting miniatures and having somewhere cool to show them off.

Either way, I thought I’d put together a list of miniatures display cabinets, cases, shelves, etc. to check out for those in the market. I’m finding myself in the position of needing one, so why not share my research?

Miniatures Display Cabinet List

As usual, this list will be in alphabetical order based on manufacturer. Also, if I missed one that you’d recommend, then please let me know in the comments. I’d love to expand this list as much as possible.

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OK, so this one is more for funsies.

Chessex has a cool single miniature case that you can buy. Actually, they have a few options for single cases.

This particular one I’m talking about, which is very well reviewed on Amazon, is 1.5in x 1.5in x 2.75 inches in size. So, it’s great for people who game in a 28mm scale or smaller.

The price on this is super cheap. I may snag a few of these actually.

Admittedly, a single miniature case like this is aimed more for someone who paints for show and needs to protect their model, but I found it while searching around and thought it was too cool not to share.

Bonus Tip

If you’ve ever bought Chessex dice then the case those dice come in is almost identical to the case above.

Granted, it is cheaper to just buy the single miniature case. However, you may already have a case you can use and didn’t realize it 😉

Coaster Home Furnishings

Now, Coaster Home Furnishings has a handful of sizes when it comes to their display cabinets. So, let’s start with the least expensive.

3-Shelf Glass Curio

Here is a 3-shelf glass curio cabinet that’s pretty sexy if you ask me.

This smaller one measures 16.8 x 14.2 x 33.5 inches in size. Certainly on the smaller size of things.

Admittedly, while being small, this is not an inexpensive miniatures display cabinet. You can get a larger miniatures display cabinet cheaper from Ikea (down below). However, this is a well reviewed case, it looks great, and seems like it will hold up for a good long while.

If you got a little money to spend, why not check it out?

4-Shelf & 5-Shelf

From the 3-shelf, you can go up to a 4-shelf and 5-shelf.

All of these cabinets from Coaster Home Furnishings are similar, so I won’t break the 4 & 5 shelf down individually.

Basically, each cabinet gets progressively larger. The 4-shelf case is the same size as the 3-shelf but taller. The 5-shelf case is 8 inches wider than both of those, and a hair taller as well.

Regardless, these look very similar, are made the same way, and it’s a matter of cost and space. Both the 4 & 5-shelf cabinets are very well reviewed as well.

Convenience Concepts

This display case isn’t inclosed, so it may not be ideal for everyone, like those with small children or curious pets.

That being said, the open design is nice and contemporary.

The case measures 15.8 x 11.8 x 62 inches, so it has a reasonably small footprint while being over 5ft tall. With 5 shelves (including the top) you should be able to get quite a bit on here.

One of the best features of this display case is the cheap price. This is easily one of the top two cases here for storage to cost ratio.

Crystal Fortress

The offerings from Crystal Fortress are a bit different, but in a good way. I’ve covered them previously in my magnetic miniature cases article, but they also fit here as well.

What Crystal Fortress has are acrylic miniatures display cases that are suited for gaming. Meaning, these aren’t necessarily for just displaying your miniatures, but also for transporting them.

The other very cool feature with the Crystal Fortress setup it makes for a modular display case, so you can create exactly what you need and add on to it as needed.

Here’s a video they did showing how their system works.

Honestly, there’s a lot to be said about these cases and trays, more than I’ll write about here.

Definitely check them out. Their system is a bit expensive, but it’s also rather unique as well.


Ikea is a great store…if you’re single. It’s not so great on relationships though!

You either know what I’m talking about or you don’t. We’ll leave it at that 😉

Anyway, Ikea has two good options for miniatures display cabinets, especially if you’re after a Warhammer/Age of Sigmar display case.

Of course, the cases are suited for anything, just that they’re big, so great if you’ve got quite the collection, hence the game reference.


Anyway, the really popular one that many, many collectors and wargamers use is the Detolf.

This is a glass cabinet, so it just looks great, and it measures 16-3/4 x 14-3/8 x 64-1/8 inches, so a little over 5 ft. tall.

The case features 3 shelves, plus the bottom, giving you 4 places to show off your miniatures.

This is just a classic looking display case at a great price and really well reviewed.

You seriously can’t go wrong with this one.

Ikea Detolf display case for miniatures

If you do decide on a Detolf, or you have one already, then check out the A-Space. It gives you extra shelving for your Detolf.

Ikee Design

Ikee Design, not to be confused with Ikea, has a great looking acrylic display box at a pretty reasonable price.

Let’s start with the dimensions: 10-7/8 x 2-7/8 x 2-1/2 inches in size. This means it’s small enough to sit on your hobby desk if you wanted.

Of course, you can mount this on the wall too, which is probably safer than on your hobby desk.

This is a 4-tier case, so despite it’s smaller size, you can still get a fair bit in there. Still, it’s more suited for smaller collections, like those from skirmish games, or just to show off a few choice pieces.

Lastly, this also has great reviews on Amazon as well. Between the good reviews, and the affordable cost, this looks like a great miniature storage box.

A case well worth checking out.

Only Garment Racks

An odd name for a company who also has a display cabinet for miniatures…but anyway.

First up, this is a more expensive option. However, this is a great looking display case that you would set on a shelf to really showcase a select few pieces. I love the look of this case.

The case is 24 x 12 x 18 inches, making it pretty good sized considering. It’s got two shelves and has a lock as well.

Again, a bit more for the serious collector but worth showing.

Only Hangers

This case is almost identical to the previous miniature display cabinet but with a silver finish. In fact, it’s the exact same size and also has a locking door.

Just figured I’d show it if you weren’t into the black look.

Oh, the price is almost the same as well.


Now, I admit this is more for a showpiece than a miniature display cabinet, but I thought it looked awesome.

So, Plymor has a great looking glass display dome. The base is walnut colored but is actually MDF. It’s pretty convincing looking though. The MDF does keep the price on this low so no complaints here.

Actually, you can get the base in different styles from black acrylic to the walnut MDF. You should be able to find a base to match your needs.

The inside measurement is 1.75 x 2.6 inches. It’s not huge but perfect for a standard 28mm figure.

To top it off, this is a very well reviewed product and the price is incredible for how great this looks.

Best Miniature Display Cabinets

Here’s my top picks of display cabinets!






Price for 1 minute

Coaster Home

Clean Look

A clean looking curiou design that's small enough to fit almost anywhere. Comes with a glass door to keep your miniatures safe.

Convenience Concepts


A great looking display cabinet that's very reasonably priced. Lots of storage and has a minimal footprint.



Easily the best choice with a ton of storage at a very low price. This one is pretty much in a league all its own.


I hope you found something useful in that list.

Honestly, I was a bit surprised at how hard it was to find miniatures display cabinets and cases that were worth looking at. I did find some others that I didn’t list, but they weren’t well reviewed, and I’d rather present the ones that are worth the investment.

Still, I’ll keep an eye out and update this list as I keep searching for a miniatures display cabinet for myself and let you all know what I find.


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drake hartley
drake hartley
5 years ago

Good article. The only thing is a little tidbit of a reminder to anyone the chessex box is also the box some D&D dice sets come in. So if you in the market to get more dice (because you cant have too meny dice) you also get one of thoose with it. Its a win win!

ਈਬੋਨੀ ਪੋਰਨ
ਈਬੋਨੀ ਪੋਰਨ
1 month ago